Spotify Playlist Thing

audio spotify

First, I want to remember the way I got to this idea:

I found a neat script that prevents you committing secrets to github in the TLDR Newsletter

I wanted to link to the newsletter but couldn't remember the address, so did a search.

I found a link in the the search results to an article that caught my eye on indie hackers where Dan (the creator of TLDR Newsletter) was saying how he grew his subs.

Scanning the comments of that article Dan reply to a comment by Elies and he mentioned "the spotify one looks really cool", so I followed a link to Elies profile

That contained one post about his spotify stats newsletter

which linked to

And that triggered some of my own thoughts.

I like the idea of a report of my listening activity over a period of time - I already scooble to, but it looks like spotify have a listening history api now.

I don't actually like getting this information by email all that much.

Something do ok is displaying listening history. Their social stuff is OK, but with 96 scrobbles last week, I'm in 6th place on the Scrobble Leaderboard (a stat I care very little about btw). The top scrobbler had 606 scrobbles. I feel like could be a more interesting community. I listen to weird music, and I like discovering new weird music. In the past I've tried using musical matches to find other listeners with similar interests but it rarely results in the discover of new music.

I think being able to publish my listening history as a kind of playlist that other people can listen to in spotify, and being able to create a mixup of other listeners playlists where I could listen and like in order to discover new music.

There is an "active listening" approach to spotify that I take sometimes, where I am listening to music purely to curate it and put it into different lists.

So I guess my idea is use my listening history to generate a playlist, then to use that generated playlist to find other listeners with similar listening interests to help with the discovery of new music.